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Scanning Global Health
CT Solutions Mammography Solutions Ultrasound Solutions Nuclear Medicine Cameras
Golden Oldies
Used Fluoroscan
Premier Mini C-arm
Used Hologic
QDR 4500 Bone Densitometer
Used Philips, BV-300 C-Arm

Used MRI Equipment.
GloboScan is a refurbisher and re-assembler of used MRI Scanner systems.
All systems can be custom refurbished to meet all of your specific financial budgets and technical requirements


8-Channel Echospeed MR, CXK4 LCC Magnet, High Definition Gradients, 33mT/m Amp, SR 120mT/m/ms

Coil Package: 12-Element Coil, 8-Channel Brain array, 12-Element, Multi-Station Array, 4-Channel Invivo Wrist Array, Dual Array TMJ, Quad Transmit/Receive, 8-Channel Breast Array, 8-Channel Neurovascular Array, Shoulder Array.


GE, 1.0T Short Bore MRI
1.0T Short Bore Magnet, 23mT/m Gradient Strength, 77 Slew Rate, Phased Array, LX Platform, 9.1 Software Level, Full Coil Set, LX3 System Comp ASM w/1/100 Bas, ACGD Cabinet, 1.0T Fixed Wide Open with Phase Array, RF Coil Assay, 1.0T RF Cabinet

  Philips Intera MRI
SmartExam, Fully automated planning, scanning & processing with a single mouse click. Reproducible scan quality. Faster imaging with techniques like Snapshot, TRACS, THRIVE & Multi-Station, all standard. Largest FoV – 53 cm, Largest Virtual FoV – 210 cm, 60x60cm Bore, Compact Magnet, 40% Higher Body SNR